Key Facts
The poorest third of society will lose most by 2020 as a result of tax and benefit changes and cuts since 2010. Women will lose more than men and BME women will lose most of all.
When you take the tax and benefit changes and factor in cuts to public spending, the poorest fifth of society have seen a 15% drop in living standards since 2010. Black and Asian families have experienced an even greater decline in living standards.
In cash terms, by 2020 the poorest black families are set to lose £8,400 every year in tax and benefit changes and loss of services. Asian families are set to lose £11,600. The loss of such income among the poorest can make the difference between living on the breadline and being plunged into serious poverty.
Read the report chapter 'Situation of BME Women' by Kimberly McIntosh of the Runnymede Trust.